It's Good to Have a Big Family
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
-C.S. Lewis
Meriwether’s Friendship Ambassadors John and Dave
Both long time residents of Columbia, both attending MU at the same time, both with an innate curiosity about humanity and both strangers to one another until John and Dave became friends over granola at Meriwether
…What! You too? I thought I was the only one….
Now they come 3 to 4 times a week and catch up on a friendship that just began but has been maturing through conversation and life experiences for 60 plus years. John likes to say, “there’s more oxygen in this place”. We cant disagree.
From the start Meriwether has been an attempt to foster conversations. Whether it be a conversation between strangers borne of a shared experience or long time friends reconnecting over a “cup of Fretboard”, Meriwether seems to be an ellipses (…) that serves to begin the conversation and allow it to continue.
…What! You too? I thought I was the only one….
Throughout the evolution of Meriwether we have also been engaged in conversations: Conversations between producers and their land or stock. Conversations between our dedicated culinary collaborators in attempts to mine the collective pasts that have determined our technique. And finally conversations with those who have come out for a meal and left with a friend.
I am sure the fact that most of my days of late have been spent in preparation and expectation of the imminent arrival of a very stubborn(like me) and very patient(like my wife) baby boy has me pontificating human kindness; Or perhaps it is that the rest of my time is spent at Meriwether, in the company of some of the finest human beings on my planet. In any case, I’m feeling very grateful knowing “its Good to Have a Big Family” and people are still willing to talk.